i spent last week in wairegi, the men’s ward of the hospital. i learn a lot from the morning rounds. it is really nice of everyone here to let me join them for their rounds, and ask questions, etc. the ward is extremely crowded, with only about a foot between each bed and beds in the hallway and whatnot. also spent a night in casualty with my friend joel and watched a few too many people die. like one guy not much older than me who we had admitted to the ward that morning for very non life threatening things. a nice guy. he got out of bed and collapsed, and then we got called and tried to revive him but he died. then about 5 minutes later the same thing happened with a little baby in the nursery. spent the easter weekend at home with the b.s. there was a very nice sunrise service on sunday morning, followed by a potluck breakfast attended by all the kijabe mzungus. thank God for easter!
a couple weeks ago i swallowed a doxycycline tablet before bed (its malaria prophylaxis). long story short, it stayed in my esophagus and basically burned a hole in it. the pain has been almost unbearable, especially when swallowing. thankfully now its getting a bit better.
the b.s left on vacation to mombasa yesterday. because mrs. b. is not here to cook i eat my dinners at mama chiku’s hotel (around here, hotel means restaurant). i just tell the mama that i want a good meal, because i have no idea what’s on the menu. actually i don’t even think they have a menu. usually what comes out is something like rice, beans, meat and chapattis, for the equivalent of less than $2. yesterday i went to the cure hospital, a separate hospital right beside kijabe hospital that specializes in pediatric orthopedics. i watched some fascinating surgeries, like a club hand repair. and lots of casting of broken bones. monday i went into nairobi to buy a bus ticket for an epic trip that i’m leaving on very shortly. lets just say that if you never see another post here again its probably because i’ve been kidnapped by rebels somewhere deep in the rainforest on the other side of lake victoria…..